/* * Copyright 2016, yichip Semiconductor(shenzhen office) * All Rights Reserved. * * This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Yichip Semiconductor; * the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied * or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior * written permission of Yichip Semiconductor. */ /** *@file ks.h *@brief key scan support for application. */ #include #include #include #include "yc11xx.h" #include "yc_drv_common.h" #ifndef _KEYSCAN_ #define _KEYSCAN_ #define KS_BUFF_POLL_LEN 7 typedef struct { uint8_t ksPool[KS_BUFF_POLL_LEN]; }tKSEVENT; /** *@brief This function initialize key scan hardware. *@param None. *@return None. */ void KS_Initialize(uint8_t Col[], uint8_t RowSize, uint8_t ColSize, uint8_t KsData[]); /** *@brief This function Get Keyscan event message. *@param None. *@return Pointer of keyscan event. */ tKSEVENT *KS_GetCurrentEvt(); /** *@brief This function scan ks matrix. *@param None. *@return None. */ void KS_ScanMatrix(); /** *@brief This function uninstall key scan hardware. *@param None. *@return None. */ void KS_Unistall(); #endif