mem_patch00: 0c #mem_patch00 00 #mem_patch01 00 #mem_patch02 00 #mem_patch03 00 #mem_patch04 00 #mem_patch05 00 #mem_patch06 00 #mem_patch07 00 #mem_patch08 00 #mem_patch09 00 #mem_patch0A 00 #mem_patch0B 00 #mem_patch0C 00 #mem_patch0D 00 #mem_patch0E 00 #mem_patch0F 90 #mem_patch10 03 #mem_patch11 00 #mem_patch12 00 #mem_patch13 68 #mem_patch14 62 #mem_patch15 00 #mem_patch16 00 #mem_patch17 90 #mem_patch18 00 #mem_patch19 00 #mem_patch1A 80 #mem_patch1B 00 #mem_patch1C 40 #mem_patch1D a8 #mem_patch1E 01 #mem_patch1F 00 #mem_patch20 00 #mem_patch21 01 #mem_patch22 00 #mem_patch23 00 #mem_patch24 0a #mem_patch25 e4 #mem_patch26 40 #mem_patch27 40 #mem_patch28 4d #mem_patch29 24 #mem_patch2A 26 #mem_patch2B 52 #mem_patch2C 31 #mem_patch2D 70 #mem_patch2E 10 #mem_patch2F 11 #mem_patch30 00 #mem_patch31 38 #mem_patch32 00 #mem_patch33 00 #mem_patch34 00 #mem_patch35 00 #mem_patch36 04 #mem_patch37 00 #mem_patch38 00 #mem_patch39 00 #mem_patch3A 80 #mem_patch3B 04 #mem_patch3C 00 #mem_patch3D 00 #mem_patch3E 00 #mem_patch3F ##############NVRAM CONFIG############## mem_nv_data_ptr:mem_nv_le_data mem_nv_data_number:05 ##################################### ##############BLUETOOTH CONFIG############## ###commom### mem_device_option:10 mem_ui_profile_supported:48 mem_app_connection_options:13 mem_features: ff fb 8f f8 #fe--EDR F8--BR 8b #AFHclose 83 85 59 83 ###ble### mem_le_lap:11 30 34 55 66 98 #clear short name information from mem_le_adv_data mem_le_adv_data_len:19#1d mem_le_adv_data: 02 01 06 05 03 12 18 0f 18 03 19 80 01 0b 09 42 4c 45 5f 4a 55 5f 52 4d 43 mem_le_scan_data_len:04 mem_le_scan_data: 03 ff e0 03 mem_le_adv_enable:00 mem_le_scan_type:00 mem_le_adv_type:00 mem_le_adv_direct_addr_type:00 mem_le_scan_own_addr_type:00 mem_le_scan_filter_policy:00 mem_le_scan_interval:28 mem_le_scan_window:0c 00 mem_le_transmit_window:50 mem_le_adv_interval_max:a0 00 mem_le_adv_own_addr_type:00 mem_tx_power:00 mem_le_pairing_mode:01 mem_le_secure_connect_enable:00 mem_le_pres:02 03 00 01 10 02 03 #justwork mem_le_pairing_handle:00 00 mem_le_interal_min: 10 00 #interval max 10 00 #interval min 00 00 #latency 00 01 #supervision timeout #####ssp config##### mem_ssp_enable:01 mem_sp_iocap_local:03 00 04 mem_pin_length:04 30 30 30 30 30 ##############BLUETOOTH CONFIG############## mem_class:24 04 04 mem_ui_button_gpio:ff ###3.0### mem_scan_mode:00 mem_lap: 45 10 13 11 09 61 mem_local_name_length: '11XX_Test mem_sniff_param_interval:20 00 mem_sniff_param_attempt:01 mem_sniff_param_timeout:01 mem_unsniff2sniff_timer:0a mem_eir_enable:01 mem_all_uuid_16bits: 05 03#Type: Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs 0012 0001 0100 0111 0300 mem_all_uuid_128bits:00 mem_ui_uuid_table:mem_spp_uuid_list #a2dp uuid mem_spp_uuid_list: 03 12 00 01 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 36 00 52 09 00 00 0a 00 01 00 01 09 00 01 35 03 19 12 00 09 00 04 35 0d 35 06 19 01 00 09 00 01 35 03 19 00 01 09 00 09 35 08 35 06 19 12 00 09 01 00 09 02 00 09 01 03 09 02 01 09 05 ac 09 02 02 09 02 39 09 02 03 09 06 44 09 02 04 28 01 09 02 05 09 00 02 03 11 01 00 03 01 00 00 01 00 03 36 00 46 09 00 00 0a 00 01 00 03 09 00 01 35 03 19 11 01 09 00 02 0a 00 00 00 00 09 00 04 35 0c 35 03 19 01 00 35 05 19 00 03 08 01 09 00 06 35 09 09 65 6e 09 00 6a 09 01 00 09 01 00 25 0a 53 50 50 20 73 6c 61 76 65 00 00 00 01 00 # dual read, dual bits address mem_xip_option:5d 40 bb #attribute list: handle 2bytes, uuid 2bytes, length 1bytes, attribute Nbytes mem_rc_att_list: #battery level only can write use certain addr be cautious #Primary Service: GAP 01 00 02 00 28 02 00 18 #Characteristic: Device Name 02 00 02 03 28 01 02 03 00 02 00 2a 09 75 6E 64 65 66 69 6E 65 64 #Characteristic: Appearance 04 00 02 03 28 01 02 05 00 02 01 2a 02 00 00 #Perpheral Preferred Connection Parameters 06 00 02 03 28 01 02 07 00 02 04 2a 08 10 00 20 00 05 00 2c 01 #Primary service yichip transmit ------ 08 00 02 00 28 02 01 18 #Service Changed 09 00 02 03 28 01 20 0a 00 02 05 2a 01 00 #Client Characteristic Configuration 0b 00 02 02 29 01 00 #Primary service yichip transmit ------ 0c 00 02 00 28 02 f0 ff #ota notify 0d 00 02 03 28 01 16 0e 00 02 f4 ff 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Client Characteristic Configuration 0f 00 02 02 29 02 00 00 #ota write #Characteristic rx--write 10 00 02 03 28 01 04 11 00 02 f5 ff 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Primary service yichip transmit ------ 12 00 02 00 28 02 e7 fe #Characteristic tx--indicate 13 00 02 03 28 01 20 14 00 02 c8 fe 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Client Characteristic Configuration 15 00 02 02 29 02 00 00 #Characteristic rx--write,read 16 00 02 03 28 01 0a 17 00 02 c7 fe 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Characteristic - read 18 00 02 03 28 01 02 19 00 02 c9 fe 06 11 22 33 44 55 66 #Primary service yichip transmit ------ 1a 00 02 00 28 02 17 ff #Characteristic-write 1b 00 02 03 28 01 08 1c 00 02 02 ff 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Characteristic-notify 1d 00 02 03 28 01 10 1e 00 02 04 ff 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Client Characteristic Configuration 1f 00 02 02 29 02 00 00 #Characteristic-indicate 20 00 02 03 28 01 20 21 00 02 03 ff 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Client Characteristic Configuration 22 00 02 02 29 02 00 00 # Vlaue:Indications enabled!! #Characteristic-read 23 00 02 03 28 01 02 24 00 02 05 ff 01 00 #End of Attribute list 00 00 ####RCU LPM Debug ##### mem_lpm_mode:00 mem_lpm_mult:01 mem_lpm_overhead:08 mem_lpm_interval:00 08 mem_time_wake_gap:20 03 #Mitelecontroller #mem_qspi_gpio_ncs:82 86 85 83 84 87 mem_qspi_gpio_ncs:90 95 96 91 92 94 #dvboard #mem_qspi_gpio_ncs:8e 90 8f 8d 8c 91 #1134D #mem_qspi_gpio_ncs:90 95 96 91 92 94 mem_ui_le_uuid_table:mem_rc_att_list mem_seqi:7f mem_le_connection_updata_param: 10 00 #min interval 18 00 #max interval 10 00 #latency 58 02 #timeout mem_local_mtu_size:c8 00 mem_local_rx_max_octets:fb 00 48 08 fb 00 48 08 mem_le_more_data:01 mem_ipc_enable:00 mem_le_adv_chanel:27 mem_le_scan_chanel:00 mem_watchdog_enable:00 mem_lpm_config:8f 10 ca mem_lpm_buckcnt:0a 0b ef 07 mem_lpm_hibernate_switch:00 mem_gpio_wakeup_low:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 mem_fcomp_mul:02 mem_fcomp_div:24 mem_iscan_window:20 00 mem_iscan_interval:00 04 mem_pscan_window:16 00 mem_pscan_interval:00 04 mem_inq_window:20 00 mem_page_window:30 00 mem_page_to:00 30 mem_rx_window_init:80 03 mem_rx_window_sniff:00 06 #tx ack window:7000 mem_24g_rx_window:58 1b #rx window:15000 #mem_24g_rx_window:98 3a mem_lpm_xtalcnt:00 0a 1b ef 07 mem_ef_base:30 ff 80 mem_eeprom_block_size:80 mem_le_att_rf: 07 e2 6e 25 5a 4c 5c c0 ff mem_rf_init_ptr:mem_le_att_rf